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a finger pointing on a footing astrology chart

Consultation and Guidance

Providing professional consultation and Guidance in all areas of life.

Date, time, and place of birth are the essential details needed to cast an astrological chart. The more accurate the information, the more precise the analysis and forecast.


Schedule a Consultation Appointment Online

Check calendar availability and book a consultation session with me easily and quickly

How to choose a recommended Astrologer?

  Anyone who wants to consult an astrologer these days is facing a problem. Who to choose? Who to study with? Who is considered an expert astrologer? Of all the astrologers out there, who are the best? The answer to this is complex since ...

גלגל מזלות בצבע אפור שחור ולבן

Learn Astrology

Astrology Studies at All Levels
Beginner Astrology Course, Advanced Astrology Course,
Horary Astrology Course

a man pointing to a starry sky
תוכנות מחשב גיא מטרסו אסטרולוג[

Astrology Softwares

Guy Matarasso is an official distributor of

Millennium Star Trax

Solar Fire 9

גרף מניות גיא מטרסו אסטרולוג

Personal Graphs

Personal graphs are personalized to your own birth data, focus on any area of life - health, career, money, love, etc'

בדיקת נכסים עם גיא מטרסו אסטרולוג

Property Analysis

before you buy any property, it is important to know if the deal is good and worthy, this analysis can save you a lot of money

Lectures, Workshops,

Special events and Shows

Planning a special event and looking for a sweeping, experiential and empowering lecture that will fascinate the audience?

Want to better understand yourself and what affects you?

A lecture on astrology may leave you gaping and surprised more than you imagined!

Guy Matarasso, who has extensive experience in performing in front of various audiences, conducts fascinating lectures and workshops on a wide range of topics in astrology.

a man looking at a microscope

You Saved my life!

That's what a client told me after I sent her to a Gynecological examination when it was not on her plans. The doctor received the results of the test and called her urgently because ...

Guy Matarasso Certified Astrologer

Guy Matarasso is an expert astrologer, an expert in analyzing birth charts and preparing forecasts, lectures and teaches astrology on all Levels, an expert in Horary Astrology

He has over 20 years of experience in the field.


תעודת הסמכה גיא מטרסו אסטרולוג

Why did you invite me to a meeting?

A business meeting that went awry following a surprising personal outlook

I came to a business meeting at a large company, which wanted to hold a series of astrological workshops for the company's employees. While talking to the CEO, I look at her chart and see that within a month she ...

3 astrology dices


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